Tuesday, October 21, 2014

My confession...A little insight on my maintinence journey.

I have a confession…

Do you ever feel that way when you step in to our little offices? Not that you should, but today I have one.

This last week was a doozy.

I got sick on Sunday.

So that means I didn’t prep one wink of food that night.

I was home on Monday and slept ALL day long. Tuesday I was feeling better, but not good enough to get a work out in, or even try and eat anything like a veggie. Wednesday I was feeling much better, but I could NOT get my butt out of bed to work out. That seemed to be the trend all week long. I didn’t track my food, I didn’t work out, I didn’t eat the healthiest and I felt SOOO guilty!

******Too be honest I normally like to go work out. It is time in the morning where my kiddos are sleeping. I can think about the day ahead of me and I don’t feel guilty being away from them since they are snoozing. But this last week was a whole different story. ******

This last week I felt like I was letting you all down.

By the time Sunday came around I was so discouraged with myself and in a funk that I knew I had to pick myself up and get my butt in gear. I kept telling myself, “Tomorrow is a brand new day.” That is something I would tell you. I needed to believe it. I needed to believe it for myself. I did NOT want to go back to old habits.

When I was going through the phases and lost my 47lbs my motivation to do Ideal Protein were my little lambs and Chad. I knew I had to be the healthiest me to give them the best me. Now that I am at goal and have been able to maintain all of YOU keep me motivated to stay at my “Ideal” weight. I can’t thank you enough for that.

Too be honest I haven’t weighed myself in months. I can tell you that because I gave up on weighing. I gave up on it when I really started to workout once I hit phase 4. I had to do that to stay sane. I realized then I had to find NSV’s. Do you know what NSV’s are? Non-scale Victories! (These are my favorites. I often call them Milestones) I try and find a new one each week. My pants look a little better, I worked out every weekday morning, I stuck to my ONE fun day that week, or I logged my food every single day. I am telling you all this because all of us… Dusty, Andrea, Mandy and I are all HUMAN (Sorry ladies, I had to let them know we aren’t super heroes!). We have to set goals every single day, week, month for ourselves. And sometimes we fail. Point blank. Now I don’t want this post to come across as being a debby downer, but I want you to see a peek inside our lives/my life. That I have to work at this lifestyle every SINGLE day. It's hard. But worth it.

This last week on Sunday I was looking back and thinking that I failed. I failed myself, my family and YOU!

Buttttttt THEN as I was looking for motivation I stumbled across a quote. “We need to accept that we won’t always make the right decisions. That we’ll screw up royally sometimes. Understanding that failure is not the opposite of success, it’s part of success.”-Arianna Huffington. Thank you Arianna. That hit home. It was ok. I needed to quit pouting. Be realistic with myself and come to the conclusion that maybe my body needed a break. Maybe I was supposed to spend a few extra mornings cuddled in with my little Brodie- - or I mean Captain America as he calls himself now. Maybe I needed to just think about life and how blessed I am. Maybe, just maybe I needed some time to REALLY get my motivation back.

Well I can tell you all. It is Tuesday. I am back to my routine and I feel SOOOO good. This week I’m thankful to be a mommy, a fiancĂ©, have a supportive family, and to work for an AMAZING company. I have my food prepped for the week. I have our family meals all scheduled. I have gotten back to the gym and I am doing just fine! I still haven’t stepped on that scale and I am thankful that my skinny jeans still fit like they did last week.

. My NSV’s this week are…

·         Hitting the gym every week day morning with my noble and accountable workout partner, Nicole.

·         Prepping healthy/tasty meals for my family.

What are your NSV’s??
Please share. You just might motivate someone. As we all know we could always use some extra motivation! J

1 comment:

  1. Lindsay, you are the best! It's good to know that you still have to work at it because I think it would be easy to get a little cocky. Especially if the weight loss phases went easy! Thanks for being human. And, just like every week in your office, for being an inspiration !
