Monday, September 8, 2014

Client of the Month-Thea Curtin

Client of the Month-Thea Curtin
Why did you start the diet?
            I started this diet because I was unhappy with myself. My whole life I have struggled with my weight and feeling good about myself. Last summer I did a weight loss program that included only shakes 3-4 times a day, every day! I was miserable and lost a lot of enjoyment in life. I lost a lot of weight but once I started eating again I went crazy and quickly began gaining most of it back. I wanted something to help keep me motivated, on track, and hold myself accountable with weekly weigh-ins. What really attracted me to this program was that we got to meet with coaches every week and even after we are off the program we can still come in and meet without having to pay! Many places charge for this and I felt as though this program really cares about the people they are helping and not trying to take their money. I was also excited about having food prepared for me to make it easy to follow and actually being able to eat food!  I heard about Ideal Protein from a friend who had great success and thought it sounded must more realistic and a good way to get my weight lost started, again.
What was your biggest struggle?
            The biggest struggle for me was doing it over summer and having lots of fun things planned with friends and family. My mind was in the right place when I started and I was ready to change my lifestyle and not just lose the weight quickly. I will admit that I have not been 100% with the plan throughout the last 4 months but I have come to realize that I am not here to lose it quickly again and have it come right back on. I am here to create a healthier, happier me, change my lifestyle, and do it in a healthy way. Although I have had my cheats, I have been honest with my coaches and have let them know that I am okay with my weight coming off slower than it would if I didn’t cheat because I enjoyed myself and did not feel isolated because I had to try and lose weight again. I have learned to get right back on program after cheats and not turn a cheat meal into a cheat week! After all, I am learning a new lifestyle and things are not going to be perfect all the time.
Did you go on vacation while on Ideal Protein?
            I didn’t go on any exciting vacations but I went to a lot of concerts as well as back to my hometown to visit my family. These times are always hard to stick with the plan with lots of yummy beer and food! I have learned that beer and food are not what make the times fun, but the people I am around and how I interpret the situation. In the past, I would turn down fun and social events because I knew I wouldn’t be able to eat or drink what I wanted. Now I feel as though I can enjoy these times just as much and still feel good about my choices.
What is your favorite Ideal Protein Product? Restricted and Non-restricted.
            I got for easy and fast during the day because of my work schedule. I work as a caseworker and behavior specialist so I have clients all throughout the day with little breaks. I have learned to pre-make my meals the night before so that I am prepared and do not look for something unhealthy during those times. I have been sticking to veggies or broccoli slaw with the chicken patty for lunch a majority of the time.
What is your go to recipe?
            I love the pasta bake, chicken salad, and meatza! They are so satisfying, easy, and most of all enjoyable without splurging on tons of unhealthy foods!
How did this affect your family?
            I live with my boyfriend who has been extremely supportive of this journey. He allows me to cook how I want and will often take it upon himself to do much of the cooking. He often is weary of what I am cooking but I have not had any complaints when he tries it J It has helped him want to become healthier and he is conscious of what needs to be done in order to do it! My extended family is also very supportive and they are happy that I am finally becoming someone healthier, happier, and not always having to worry about my weight!
Did you get off any medications?
            I did not get off any medications but by coming to Ideal Protein I found out that I had hypothyroidism and I basically did not have a metabolism. I felt I was living a miserable existence for a while, always being tired, working so hard but never losing weight or gaining it back so quickly. It was defeating when I would try so hard to lose but nothing would happen and I would quickly give up. I take responsibility for a majority of my weight gain but it is relieving to know that there was some cause behind it. I have been on medication for my thyroid since I began here and I can say that I feel so much better. I do not feel tired all the time and have been consistently losing weight or maintaining week to week.
What have you completely eliminated from your diet forever?
            Oh goodness, I am not sure I can say that there has been anything that I have or will eliminate from my diet forever. I now know to take things in moderation and if I am going to enjoy a cheat meal I will do just that, but get right back on it the next day! I struggle with dwelling on my bad decisions so I am going to work on accepting it and moving on and making the right choices.
What tools/habits are you going to continue in your life to maintain your weight? Example IP products, exercise.
            I am going to continue to utilize my coaches to hold me accountable once I am off the program with sporadic weigh-ins. I also thoroughly enjoy many of the meals that IP has offered and will continue to use those as tools when making meals. I have continued to work out while on this plan because I felt as though it was just not something I could give up and continue to feel as good as I possibly could.  I will definitely continue to work out as well as making healthy food choices. As I mentioned earlier when (not if) I make bad decisions I can be okay with it and get right back on track!
Anything that we could change or continue to do to make this journey just as successful for other dieters?
            I am so grateful for the staff at Ideal Protein! Lindsay, Dusty and the other staff have been helpful, encouraging, understanding, and consistent in this journey with me! I have communicated with them what my goals and expectations are for this diet and they have been extremely supportive. I let them know that I wanted to enjoy my summer and not be miserable as I was in the past and they were completely understanding of this. I feel as though I have gotten my life back under control and do not have to constantly worry about my weight. Although I am not at my goal yet, this has been an enjoyable experience and I do not see this as a “diet” anymore. My life is and has been changing and it will only continue to get better from here!

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