Thursday, May 3, 2012

Fat Isn't The Culprit!

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We can read articles and listen to programs about how carbohydrates is the segment of the food chain that is wreaking havoc on our bodies, but for the most part, seeing visual representations of the same message is what drives it home. At least it does for me. Like seeing a physical transform after using the Ideal Protein weight loss method, or seeing the methodology illustrated in this infographic, a picture is truly worth 1,000 words.

We know that Ideal Protein helps us lose weight, while also decreasing blood pressure and triglycerides, but understanding the science behind it usually takes back seat to my excitement of how well my jeans are fitting. The most important part to keep in mind is that this is improving your overall health, and this infographic explains why. We can see from this that new studies show, it’s not the fat that is making us fat, it’s the carbs. You’ve noticed your craving less carbs? Your energy level has increased? Take a look at “The Worst Offenders” portion and realize how much better you, and your body feels without them.

It’s not realistic to say you will never eat a carb again. And we want this program to be realistic so that it is successful. For a moment, think about how often you really need to eat a carb in your life. Think about all of the ways they have snuck sugar into our diet over the years.  When you stop and think that you are not “treating” yourself to your grandma’s special cinnamon rolls but picking up one out of the vending machine or co-workers desk, you realize how extreme things have become. And our point- it IS realistic to limit this. Think about this infographic and the effects carbs and sugars have on your body. And then take a second look at that not-so-tasty mediocre donut and remember, you’re not really treating anyone by eating that, let alone yourself. The real treat is in the satisfaction of walking away (with a spring in your step nonetheless!)

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